Prenatal Acupuncture Can Help a Smooth Pregnancy


One of great therapies that can be incorporated in your pregnancy is Prenatal Acupuncture. Congratulations Mama! Pregnancy for some women is joyful all the way, for others not that much. It is a challenging time, lots of changes happen, either physical and mentally. All the hormonal changes throughout the pregnancy affect mood, energy levels, digestive system, sleep, excretory system, etc. Changes in the body happens daily as the baby grows, chances of body discomfort, aches and pains increase.

Prenatal Acupuncture is completely safe when its performed by a trained and licensed acupuncturist, it does not create a risk to the mom or to the baby. It’s relaxing and effective for many discomforts that happens during pregnancy. Even if only a relaxing time is needed in the mom’s routine, it will be very beneficial for both. The more relaxed the mom is, more happiness and tranquility the pregnancy will go and the the baby will grow!!

When can I start my Prenatal Acupuncture?

ANYTIME during pregnancy is safe to start your Prenatal Acupuncture. Your acupuncturist will evaluate you and tailor your protocol to address your complains accordingly.

Prenatal Acupuncture for Morning Sickness

A very common symptom in the first trimester. A balanced diet and well timed eating habit make a positive impact in the nausea and vomiting. Acupuncture can calm the digestive system, redirecting the energy flow of the Stomach and Liver giving relief to the mom. 

Prenatal Acupuncture for Pain (Low back pain, Sciatica, headaches, etc.)

As the pregnancy progresses and the baby grows, a woman’s belly expands, body aches and pains arise. Lower back pain is the most common symptom as the muscles of the relax and weakens. Also sciatica pain, knee pain, neck and upper back pain are also very common to happen. Prenatal acupuncture will relax the affected area, decreasing pain and inflammation, alleviating tension and giving more mobility and vitality.

Prenatal Acupuncture for Stress and Anxiety

Pregnancy is an emotional time, and anxiety is just one of many feelings that pregnant women experience, consequently it can negatively affect sleep, mood, vitality and wellbeing of both mom and baby. In this period, body and mind should be nourished accordingly, engaging in regular physical activity, ensuring adequate sleep, practicing meditation and relaxation techniques, eating healthy and etc.  Prenatal acupuncture is very effective in alleviate stress and anxiety, calming the mind and promote feeling of wellbeing.

Prenatal Acupuncture for Insomnia

 It’s common to have trouble sleeping at any point during pregnancy, troubled sleeping can range from hard time to fall asleep, waking during the night, restless sleep, waking up early and/or excessive dreaming. Any of these situations can cause sleep deprivation, which over time is not healthy for the mother or baby. The causes of insomnia in pregnancy are: discomfort due to the increased size of your abdomen, body aches and pain, back pain, heartburn, frequent urination during the night, anxiety, hormonal changes, and more.

Regular prenatal acupuncture is great for calming the mind and also encouraging restful sleep so that mom can get some much-needed rest and baby can continue to grow healthy!

Prenatal Acupuncture for Edema and Swelling of Ankles, Legs and Feet

Swelling is common yet frustrating side effect of pregnancy. As pregnancy progresses, fluid may accumulate in tissues, usually in the feet, ankles, and legs, causing them to swell and appear puffy, causing discomfort and pain. One well-researched effect of acupuncture is reducing inflammation throughout the body. Acupuncture stimulates chemicals that reduce swelling and redirect fluid accumulated in certain areas.

Prenatal Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is when the median nerve, which runs from your neck, through your shoulder to your fingers, is compressed within the carpal tunnel—literally a tunnel between the ligaments and bones in the wrist area. Acupuncture may help to ease the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome developed in pregnancy. Some studies suggest it reduces pain more than using splints at night (Bahrami-Taghanaki et al 2019, Wu et al 2019). Symptoms such as pain, numbness and tingling, and muscular weakness are addressed in the protocol.

Prenatal Acupuncture for Sinus Congestion

Sinus congestion or rhinitis are very common during pregnancy. While pregnancy rhinitis can occur at any time during pregnancy, it is most common during the first trimester. This tends to happen because blood volume increases and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) can lead to increased inflammation in the sinuses and nasal passages, causing congestion.

Luckily, Acupuncture for Pregnancy and Sinusitis is a successful treatment not only in preventing the infection and inflammation of the sinus cavities, but in relieving many of the symptoms.

Possible risks of Acupuncture during pregnancy

When done properly by a trained professional, acupuncture during pregnancy is considered safe. One review reported that acupuncture wasn’t likely to be associated with miscarriage or other major complications.

A bigger concern during pregnancy is where the acupuncture is performed. There are several acupressure points (like those in the ankle) that are said to induce contractions — which is why they should be avoided until term.

If you are Pregnant and want to know if Acupuncture can help you call us to schedule a Free Consultation.

Eliziane Larsen, LAc – Acupuncturist at Fusion Studio, Boca Raton, Florida

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