Laser Needle Acupuncture

Painless & Effective

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) achieves direct biological effects at a depth of 1 to 4 cm deeper in a tissue, making it a pain free and no side effect therapeutic modality . Further, systemic effects due to the circulation of blood and of the other forms of communication in the tissue, such as the transport of transmitters or signal substances occur at much deeper levels and, as a matter of fact, throughout the entire body.

                By now the number of publications on the way low-level laser therapy works, and the effects, it achieves at the cellular level has reached several thousands of studies.

                The effects of a low-level laser therapy are: antiphlogistic effect, analgesic affect, regenerative effect, circulation improving effect, anti-edematous effect.

It is Anti-Inflammatory

                LLLT has ANTI-INFLAMMATORY It promotes macrophages, leukocytes, phagocytosis and fibroblast increase, the immune system processes and immune cells responsible for killing any other cells responsible for the inflammatory process. It also reduces inflammatory swelling and stimulates lymphatic flow. Examples are: folliculitis, abscess, furuncle, carbuncle, viral dermatosis (herpes simplex, zoster and genitalis, tonsilitis, otitis, rhinitis, etc.

It alleviates Pain

                LLLT alleviates pain in different ways. It slows down the degranulation of the mast cells and thus the release of vasoactive amines and inflammation mediators. The concentration of prostaglandins which cause inflammation and pain, and the interstitial tissue pressure decrease – as does the pain as result (General Pain Relief). Moreover, LLLT directly promotes the synthesis of ATP in the pain receptor, the threshold of the pain receptors may be raised by up to 50% (Local Pain Relief).

               The effects are muscle relaxation, anti-edematous effect, decreases nerve pressure pain, reduce activity of trigger and tender points, activates acupuncture points. Examples are: muscular tension, peripheral neuropathy, carpal and tarsal tunnel syndrome, traumatic and post operative pain, cervical, sciatica, lower back pain syndrome, knee and wrist pain, facial neuralgia and paralysis, Bell’s Palsy.

Reduces Inflammation

                During wound phase I (stage of inflammation and necrosis) LLLT promotes anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous processes. During wound phase II and III LLLT enhances oxygen supply of the cell and the proliferation rate of fibroblasts to increase the formation of collagen and elastin.

                The effects of improving wound healing of posttraumatic and post operative, prevention of keloid formation, burns, nerve lesion (traumatic and inflammatory), arthrosis, bone fracture, etc

Improve Circulation

                In case of traumas, inflammation, degenerative processes, as well as other disorders, the regulation of blood supply to organs and tissue may be disrupted. LLLT influences this regulation in different ways. It promotes peripheral circulation, increases vasodilatation, reduces edema. Also, after injuries it promoted revascularization.

                Examples of the circulation improving affects of LLLT are contusion, hematoma, post traumatic swelling, chronic  or post operative lymphatic edema, etc.

It Helps decrease Edema

                LLLT stimulates the resorption of edemas, due to the improved micro-circulation, the tissues can be better supplied with oxygen, speeding up the healing.

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How many sessions do I need?

Like every other therapy, it will depend on the type of the injury, location, how long it has happened, age and lifestyle of the patient to determine the ideal number of sessions. LLLT will decrease inflammation and it will have a cumulative effect as sessions happen. Ideally, 6 is the minimum number of sessions recommended to all injuries.