Laserneedle Acupuncture

Do you suffer from chronic pain or continuous discomfort? Maybe you work at a desk, and day after day, the dull ache in the back of your neck gets worse. Or maybe when it’s time to relax, stress and anxiety get in the way.

Modern culture has taught us that aches and pains are “just a part of life,” but that’s not true. Fusion Studio of Boca Raton wants you to know that you do not have to settle for chronic pain. 
We at Fusion Studio of Acupuncture Can Help You

We are excited to announce that we now offer laserneedle acupuncture therapy at our Boca Raton location! Our new laserneedle acupuncture machine will allow us to expand our practice and benefits to better serve the Palm Beach community. 

Below, we will talk a little more about what laserneedle acupuncture is, how it differs from traditional acupuncture, and how it can benefit you!
What is Laserneedle Acupuncture?

Laser acupuncture, also known as low-level laser therapy, emerged as an integrative medical practice in the 1970s. Essentially, a laser emits a single beam of light at a specific, low level wavelength that penetrates the skin, targeting soft and hard tissue without heat, sound, or vibration. Laser acupuncture is also referred to as cold laser therapy because of this non-thermal quality.

What Does Laser Therapy Do?

As the visible light radiation penetrates the skin, it sparks a reaction within the targeted cells. Your cells absorb this light energy and convert it into cell energy. This is how laser acupuncture stimulates cell regrowth, tissue repair, and other bodily processes. 

PAIN is the most common reason for physician consultations in the United States. One out of three Americans is affected by chronic pain annually. Currently accepted therapies consist of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid injections, opiate pain medications, massage, acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, stretching exercises and surgery, each of which carries their own specific advantages, disadvantages and risks. What is needed are effective treatments for pain which have an acceptably low risk-profile. For over forty years, thousands of studies have been showed that low level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) and LED (light emitting diode) therapy (also known as photo-biomodulation) reduce inflammation and edema, induce analgesia, and promote healing in a range of musculoskeletal pathologies.

Why is LaserNeedle Therapy Special?

When laser acupuncture first emerged, practitioners would use a laser wand, targeting acupoints one at a time. The reason Laserneedle acupuncture machine – like the one we now have! – are so revolutionary is because they allow us to target multiple acupoints simultaneously, which is how traditional Chinese acupuncture intended the practice to be. 

As a result, laserneedle acupuncture truly merges modern technology and traditional Chinese medicine, without the invasiveness and associated risks. 

The practice of traditional acupuncture originated in China and has spread throughout Western integrative medicine today. The belief is that we can alter bodily energy and treat pain and other conditions by inserting thin solid needles into specific acupoints. 

An acupoint is a location on or underneath the skin where – when stimulated – the function of an organ or system can be moderated or – ideally – improved. Inserting multiple needles and activating multiple acupoints simultaneously can shift the body’s energy at large, while the impact of one needle alone is minimal. 

A Step Beyond Tradition

Even though acupuncture has been a healing practice for thousands of years, the invasive technique is not as attractive to some people, such as children, needle-phobic and some elderly. Today, single-use disposable needles are standard, avoiding the risk of cross infection. However, the use of needles, in itself, makes traditional acupuncture not ideal for some patients.

It’s not uncommon for patients to feel a prick where the needle is inserted or experience soreness or minor bleeding. While these sensations typically indicate that the target acupoint has been reached, why go through them at all when there’s an available alternative?

That’s where low-level laser therapy and laserneedle acupuncture come in! Laser acupuncture is painless, noninvasive, and sterile. It’s also easier to control because the machine moderates treatment instead of steady hands alone. Plus, laserneedle therapy goes beyond traditional acupuncture and laser therapy by using the regenerating power of laser radiation in a multi-stimulation method.
Benefits of Laserneedle Acupuncture:


We have already begun to touch on the benefits of laser therapy. For starters, the noninvasive technique allows for a more relaxing experience. Patients typically do not feel the acupoint stimulation during the session, and in the instances where they have, they’ve reported tingling or a soothing warm sensation. At times, patients have even fallen asleep!

Natural Solution

The go-to treatment for pain management is medication. While effective, that route always comes with a risk of medication dependency, treatment addiction, and side effects. Plus, medication often addresses symptoms without necessarily targeting the cause. 

At Fusion Studio, we aim to use natural treatments with lasting results. Acupuncture therapy does not add a substance to your body, erasing the risks and added effects mentioned above. It also works with the body’s natural processes and reactions to stimulate healing, basically showing the body what it can do for itself instead of teaching it to rely on a foreign substance. In most cases, patients experience long-lasting relief after a few treatments.

In addition to being a natural alternative to medication, acupuncture is also a less aggressive alternative to surgery.

Quick and Convenient

Traditional acupuncture can take between 50 minutes to an hour while most laser therapies last between 20 and 30 minutes, making it an ideal treatment option for those on the go!

Laser acupuncture is also flexible because the light wavelength is adjustable. Everyone’s pain is different: the degree of pain, where the pain is located, and how it impacts our individual lives. The adjustability of laser therapy means the laser can treat different conditions or pain levels with varying units of energy that best fit patient needs and preferences. Even though traditional acupuncture treatments can be adjusted to target specific patient needs, the needles themselves are like a “one size fits all” tool (again, reducing the appeal when compared to the modern alternative). 

A Better Option for Kids

Laserneedle sit on top of the skin above the acupoint and are fixed in place with medical-grade tape. As a result, patients can move around a little during treatment without disturbing the placement of the needles, which makes this a safer and more agreeable option for kids.

No Needles!

I know we’ve said this a few times throughout the article, but we want to hit home that laserneedle therapy does not involve any needles. So, on top of being noninvasive, laser acupuncture is an ideal solution for patients who are afraid of needles. This opens doors for anyone who might have bypassed acupuncture as a treatment solution in the past.
Treatable Conditions

Pain Management
Headaches and Migraines
Acute and Chronic Pain
Tissue Repair
Scar Healing
Sprains or Bone Fractures
Mental Illness
Stress Management

These are just a few general conditions that laserneedle acupuncture therapy can treat!
Reduce Stress, Pain, or Inflammation Today!

Eliziane Larsen, LAc from Fusion Studio is proud to serve the greater Palm Beach area, meeting the community’s pain management needs with natural treatment options that have lasting effects. If you have more questions about our services you can click here.

If you would like to book a Laserneedle acupuncture session today, feel free to contact us!

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