Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy

While the medical field is important, sometimes it doesn’t have all the answers, especially when it comes to relieving pain and alleviating the symptoms of debilitating conditions. One such example is in treating Bell’s palsy, a condition that is still poorly understood by doctors and scientists alike. Below is information on what is Bell’s palsy, what causes it, common medical treatments for this condition, alternative treatments that come from Chinese medicine such as acupuncture, and how Acupuncture Bell’s Palsy Fort Lauderdale specifically can help.

What Is Bell’s Palsy?

Bell’s palsy refers to temporary paralysis in the face as a result of damage to the facial nerves. The facial nerves each control one side of the face and control the ability to form facial expressions, blinking and closing the eyes, and are connected to the tear ducts, saliva glands, inner ear, and taste. Bell’s palsy disrupts all of these functions on one side of the face. It typically occurs suddenly—a person goes to bed with normal facial function and wakes up with facial paralysis—and it typically resolves itself in a matter of weeks.

The symptoms can be distressing to sufferers of Bell’s palsy. This condition causes the affected side of the face to droop which makes it difficult to close the individual’s eyes and they can experience drooling, a lack of ability to taste, dry eyes or excessive tearing, numbness on the affected side, pain in the ear and a heightened sensitivity to sound. Not only is the onset of these symptoms sudden, they also worsen for the first 48 hours until they reach their peak.

Causes of Bell’s Palsy

A common misconception is that Bell’s palsy is caused by a stroke since strokes frequently cause paralysis in the face, but despite the surface-level connection, the two are not related. Still, any sudden facial paralysis should always be checked out by a doctor in order to rule out a stroke or other serious conditions.Bells Palsy

Bell’s palsy is thought to occur when the facial nerves are damaged by inflammation. Although no one is sure of the exact cause, the prevalent theory is that this inflammation is caused by a virus like the herpes simplex 1 virus (the one that causes cold sores). Other possible causes include the chickenpox virus, the Epstein-Barr virus which causes mononucleosis, the mumps virus, and the cold and flu viruses.

Bell’s palsy is a common condition, afflicting one in every 5,000 people a year. It equally affects both women and men. Those who most frequently suffer from Bell’s palsy are people between the ages of 15-60, women in their third trimester of pregnancy or who have just given birth, diabetics, and those with upper respiratory tract infections such as a cold or the flu.

Medical Treatment for Bell’s Palsy

Before medical treatment for Bell’s Palsy can begin, the doctor first has to confirm the diagnosis. Currently, there isn’t any laboratory tests to diagnose Bell’s palsy, so the doctor primarily confirms through a visual inspection, scans to see the nerve damage, and by eliminating other possible causes of the facial paralysis.

Mild cases of Bell’s palsy which resolve in just a couple of weeks don’t typically require treatment. Other more severe cases can take up to nine months for full recovery and require intervention to ensure that the damage isn’t permanent. Such cases are typically treated with the corticosteroid prednisolone, which reduces the inflammation and helps the patient regain muscle movement.

Patients who have difficulty closing the affected eye can also be prescribed eye drops to prevent dry eyes and infection. Patients can also be directed to perform facial exercises at home and take over-the-counter pain medications. A potential difficulty regarding medical treatment for Bell’s palsy is the risk of negative side effects and allergic reactions to medications.

Alternative Treatment and Acupuncture for Bell’s Palsy – Increase Speed of Healing and Recovery

An alternative treatment method is to use acupuncture for Bell’s palsy, which comes from ancient Chinese medicine. Acupuncture for Bell’s Palsy can not only help patients recover the use of their muscles more quickly, it can also help manage the pain. One aspect not treated by the medical community that can also be addressed by alternative treatments is the emotional toll Bell’s palsy can take.

It can be devastating to lose control of facial functions and not recognize your face in the mirror. Alternative therapies are affirming and help you feel at home in your own skin while simultaneously treating the physical symptoms. If you live in South Florida and are suffering the physical and emotional effects of Bell’s palsy, you don’t have to go through this alone. Acupuncture Bell’s Palsy Boca Raton can help you in the treatment process to get you recovering faster and feeling better.

If you would like to learn more about treatments we offer at Fusion Studio Acupuncture, please contact us to make your appointment

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