Acupuncture For Life

Acupuncture For Life

Acupuncture for Life and health improvements, acupuncture treatments can provide amazing results for people looking for treatment of pain, back pain, lower back pain, sciatica pain, stress, fertility and more. It brings back the quality of life you deserve.

Acupuncture Benefits:

  • Improve the quality of life;
  • Rebalance and harmonize the body and mind;
  • Prevention of diseases;
  • Preservation of health.

Jade Wellness is a local reference in the treatment and rehabilitation of diseases with the use of natural and holistic therapies that guarantee complete health, physical and mental well-being, and quality of life with harmony.

Are you scared by Acupuncture Pin?

Don’t be scared of acupuncture pin, it doesn’t hurt at all, you may think its the worst thing in the world, however once you understand what it does to your body, we can guarantee you won’t think about your fear for pins no more.

Acupuncture works by inserting a pin into one or many areas in your body, an Acupuncture Physician will know the areas depending on your symptoms and desired treatments. Once the physician determinate your treatment, your session starts by relaxing into a bed surrounded by a chill atmosphere with calm sounds and aromatherapy in the air. Then the acupuncture physician inserts the acupuncture pins into your points of stuck energy, once the pin hits the points, you body will automatic respond and start the process of natural healing, it only takes from 10 to 30 minutes depending on your need.

So don’t be scared, think about your body natural ability to heal itself just by releasing the stuck energy from your body.

We are here for you, for any questions please contact us and ask for our Free Consultation!

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