Oxygen Facial

O2 Derm Oxygen Facial

Revitalize & Glow Skin

We very are excited to present this revolutionary treatment designed to restore and nourish your skin. It involves an airbrush-like wand that sprays pressurized oxygen and sometimes anti-aging serums or moisturizers directly into your epidermis (the outer layer of your skin). Celebrities, including Madonna, swear by this technique for smoother and plumper skin.

What Are Some Benefits of Oxygen Facial? 

– One of the biggest benefits of oxygen facial is the collagen boost it gives to your skin, making it firm and reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen is the protein that makes the cells stick together, providing strength and elasticity to your skin. When the collagen weakens (with age), wrinkles appear. It even is able to provide a plumping effect to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and even out skin tone. This is a great treatment as an alternative to Botox treatments

– By infusing the oxygen into skin, the facial removes impurities and detoxifies from the epidermis (top layer of the skin), boosting the oxygen content. It also removes the dead cells from the top layer, opens up clogged pores, and brings out that natural blush and an immediate glow due to increased circulation and higher tissue oxygenation levels.

– Our skin cells have a limited lifetime. Oxygen is crucial for cell regeneration. It increases the rate at which new cells grow, which, in turn, helps in scar (from acne) healing. The oxygen facial gives an extra dose of oxygen to your skin cells, thus aiding faster cell turnover.

– Constant exposure to the sun, dust, and pollution rob your skin of its natural moisture content which makes lose luster or appear extremely dry. The oxygen facial deeply moisturizes your skin, restoring its pH balance and shielding it from sun damage.

– Acne is formed when the skin cells are clogged, trapping dirt and oils in them, causing the pores to get enlarged. The oxygen facial helps to shrink the pores and doesn’t let your skin accumulate dust and dirt. As a result, it heals acne and remains glowing for longer.

– The serum used for oxygen facial is rich in hyaluronic acid, peptides, vitamins, and botanical extracts that treat uneven skin tone and make your face look bright.

– This process is exceptionally gentle on your skin and doesn’t cause any painful side effects, such as irritation, redness, swelling, stinging, and a burning sensation. Therefore, it is suitable for people who have sensitive skin and those who want to avoid chemical beauty treatments.

– Usually, in the case of other procedures and skin treatments, you have to wait for a specific period before you can go back to your regular skin care regimen. But in the case of the oxygen facial, there isn’t any particular recovery time. You can start applying creams, lotions, or makeup to your skin almost immediately. It even promotes enhanced absorption and efficiency of these other skincare products, your skin will Glow after this treatment!

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